In the heart of Natural
Regional of the Mounts of Ardèche
Old sanctuary of priory
Benedictine depend on Abbey of "Chaise dieu", the church is witness
by the ancestral christian faith of Vivarais, certainly marked by the vicissitudes
of the history and more particularly by the wars of religion.
Its recent
restoration emphasizes remarkable architectural elements well.
The church and the masonry of the priory built on an eminence, are at equal
distance of the hamlets of "Serret and Très-le-Serre". A side
of the church, the religious building included two building, the coupled house
prieurale wjith the monument sheltered the monks. the apartments were laid out
around a staircase in still visible spiral.
In 1555, the cardinal "François de Tournon", abbot partner
of "la Chaise Dieu" and uncle of "Charles de Tournon", bishop
of "Viviers", give the priory of Pranles to the Jésuite college
of Tournon.
In 1578, the priory and the church are ransacked and partly
destroyed during religions disorders. The village did not escape from vagueness
from alienations from temporal decided by the Royale authority and the local
authorities from XVI century. In 1603, a part of the grounds of the priory is
sold with the public bidding.
The XII 2nd century nave is Romance, undoubtedly
a reconstitution of a former building which would have collapsed. Arch chorus,
side chapels and frontages dates, in their current version, the XVII 2nd century. They had partly been
destroyed during the wars of religion at the XVI 2nd century end.
For the
photographs, we make a point of thanking Mr Vidal and Mr de La Garde
largely inspired of the document published by L'ARREP